Hi, our fitness friends and comrades! Today we will introduce you to the machine, which is located in the newly created functional part of the gym, and that is the rowing machine.
Hi, our fitness friends and comrades! Today we will introduce you to the machine, which is located in the newly created functional part of the gym, and that is the rowing machine.
These are our favorite breakfast protein variants. Feel free to come and taste the Synergy breakfast variant directly at the reception! You can look forward to a morning protein dose in the form of a delicious porridge, protein muesli and fresh fruit. Packaging of protein products for the production of porridge and pancakes can be purchased at the fitness reception, so you can cheerfully cook and eat properly at home. The basis is always the same, but there are no limits to creativity with decoration. What will be your favorite variant and the resulting combination?
Proč investovat do kvality? Tentokrát článek otevřeme postřehem ze života. Rozběhlo se nové proteinové šílenství. Ať přijdete v jakémkoliv supermarketu do oddělení potravin, všude na vás křičí označení „s proteinem, s proteinem, s proteinem“. Bohužel se ve většině případů jedná jen o marketing, který se na nás snaží vydělat, a ve většině případů se o žádnou přidanou hodnotu nejedná.
Energeťáky, nakopávače, anabolizéry nebo stimulanty. Se všemi těmito názvy se běžně setkáváme, aniž bychom je od sebe rozlišovali. V jejich využití je ale obrovský rozdíl.
V tomto článku vám představíme část aerobní zóny, a tou je ARC zóna. Vámi oblíbený stroj ARCTRAINER je natolik skvělý pomocník, že stojí za to znát všechny jeho možnosti, a maximálně tak zefektivnit váš trénink. Proto vám ho podrobně popíšeme a představíme jeho hlavní výhody a možnosti přizpůsobení vašemu tréninku.
Clean, wash, cut the sweet potatoes into slices or dices as you wish. Put on a baking tin, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt, pepper and add spices as you wish. Bake in an oven for hot air, 180 °C and about 30 min.
We have already touched on the topic of amino acids in the previous article on proteins because they are very closely related. Now, let's look at why it is advisable to replenish amino acids during sports workouts and how this will affect our body's performance.
In this episode of our regular "machine" section, we introduce a machine that is located at the back of our gym, which is the Barbarian leg press.
A healthy lifestyle is not just about physical movement. In order for our body to function as we need it and to cope with daily stress, it is important to take care of it even from a nutritional point of view. Taste with us the delicious slices of sirloin.
With greater energy expenditure or greater physical load, there is a greater appetite. How to supply our body with the necessary nutrients, while avoiding heavy cheat food? It is easy. We have prepared a special summer light menu for you.
Gone are the times when athletes went for sweetened tea and banana. Reason? The time has changed, life is more hurried, more demanding, the performance of hobby sportsmen has shifted. Nutritional specialist Jana Samková advises how to choose the right supplement.
Sure, you can admit that you don't need it, that you don't want to gain muscle. But this is a big mistake. We all need proteins, so we don't have to be afraid of protein cocktails, which play a well-founded role in our diet.
In the second episode of this section, head coach Olda will introduce you to the "machine", which enjoys the great popularity. Today is the chest press turn. Whether you are an advanced or novice exerciser, you will surely love this “breast pressure” machine. A beginner will learn how to properly apply breast pressure and an experienced to maximize his performance.
How and according to what criteria to choose the right fitness centre, in which I will feel good in the long term, get my body in shape and fulfill my desired sports dream.