Beachvolejbalový tandem Ondřej Perušič alias Perun a David Schweiner u nás posiluje už rok a půl třikrát týdně a za tu dobu se naše posilovna stala nedílnou součástí jejich přípravy na turnaje.
Beachvolejbalový tandem Ondřej Perušič alias Perun a David Schweiner u nás posiluje už rok a půl třikrát týdně a za tu dobu se naše posilovna stala nedílnou součástí jejich přípravy na turnaje.
V rozhovoru s Petrem Janáskem, kapitánem týmu, jsme si povídali o jeho začátcích, studiích v Americe, a hlavně o tom, jak s lehkostí zvládá práci, školu, hokeji spolupráci se Synergy Clubem Anděl, kde se s ním můžete setkat na pozici fitness manažera.
Although he stopped his professional sport career, he stays in Synergy Club with his wards. Former squash player and current sports manager Honza Koukal knows that proper preparation starts in the gym. Although he now focuses mainly on other athletes, he himself would like to become the Czech Republic champion once more. He has great motivation in his son.
You can recognize Kristian "Kikin" Salach on the first sight. His curly hair and wide smile are unmistakable. At the end of September, the young snowboarder was not laughing. During the training he broke not only his snowboard but also the collarbone. He recovered again his full strength in Synergy Club Andel.
With the new issue of our Synergy Magazine we have another bonus interview with your favorite sportswomen - with Kristyna Hoidarova Kolocova and Michaela Kvapilova. Girls, welcome and we are looking forward to your story about how professional beach volleyball players practice!
They are one of the Czech tops in K4 Kayak sprints. At the last year's World Championship, they also managed to impress in the doubles (K2). To their own surprise, they took away not one but two medals from the championship. Daniel Havel and Jakub Špicar are now preparing for the next season with hard training in our gym.