Blog Synergy

More than Leg Press

In this episode of our regular "machine" section, we introduce a machine that is located at the back of our gym, which is the Barbarian leg press.

Ideal combination for exercising your legs

If we look at "barbarian" carefully, we find that this machine is a two-position. The ideal combination for leg exercise consists of leg press and squat hacks. In the story, we'll show you step by step how to use this amazing machine to get your feet in shape. In order to make the result as effective as possible, it is important to master the technique well. Ok let’s go.

1. Leg Press

The exercise is performed by sitting on the machine and leaning on the backrest. The feet are laid on the platform at the width of your shoulders with the toes slightly apart. The weights are then released. The legs slowly crouch down as low as possible. Then they are straightened again, and the weight is pushed upwards.


This exercise can be performed in several ways. You can strengthen not only quadriceps (front of thighs), hamstrings (back of thighs) and buttocks, but also calves. If you put your feet higher on the mat, the hamstrings and, in part, the buttocks muscles occupy. If you put your feet higher on the mat, the hamstrings and, in part, the buttocks muscles occupy. And if you place your legs slightly under each other, you will for the most part load the front of your thighs, strengthening your quadriceps.

2. Hacken squat

It is a exercise that perfectly loads the front of the thighs - quadriceps. Although it is more isolated than a squat or leg press, it still retains the characteristics of a volume so-called multi-joint exercise. Even with this exercise you can play with the placement of the feet on the mat, but not so much as leg press. The muscles of the back of the thighs and the torso erector are also involved.


I do not recommend this exercise first because it requires perfectly warm knees. To avoid unnecessary burdens, we have some suggestions on how to manage the exercise well and enjoy it.

  • Do not deepen the squat - the thighs at least close to the right angle
  • Do not lift the heels away from the mat
  • Try practicing "clean" with zero load first. It is not about breaking records but about the right technique
  • Do not underestimate breathing in both exercises described. With inhalation go down, with exhalation up.

Change the position of the machine

  1. Change from squat to leg press
  2. Removing the back-support plate
  3. Pulling out the support ramp
  4. Fixation of the plate to the machine base
  5. Correct placement of the backing plate when setting leg press

1. Change from squat to leg press

2. Removing the back-support plate

3. Pulling out the support ramp

4. Fixation of the plate to the machine base

5. Correct placement of the backing plate when setting leg press