Blog Synergy

I keep on answering the same question

How and according to what criteria to choose the right fitness centre, in which I will feel good in the long term, get my body in shape and fulfill my desired sports dream.

First of all, something briefly about human perception.

Each of us knows that people have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The first 3 have a big role in the selection of the gym. Your fitness centre should on 100% meet at least one of the perceptions listed. Someone can be happy when he enters the fitness and just likes it, the style of fitness and at first glance it is a feast for the eyes. For others, audio is more important, or if we want to play music in the gym and in what quality the rooms are sounded. In another case, air is the alpha and omega. Temperature, air conditioning, odour and overall atmosphere of fitness in changing rooms and premises associated with the customer's visit. Furthermore, we should also take into account our personal preferences in terms of parking, if we go to the gym by car, whether the Club offers some kind of regeneration whether it be massages, sauna or whirlpool. Regeneration will be a very important element in your goal in the coming period!! Last but not least, purity is also a very important factor! These are changing rooms, showers, exercise rooms and lockers. The equipment should meet the latest world trends in fitness and of course it should meet the idea of ​​my training.

As I say, things that will meet your idea of ​​ideal fitness and will suit you in the long run are not enough. That is why many modern fitness centres go with the times and offer an introductory hour (admission) for free. Here is the ideal opportunity for you to find everything in the selection important to really "touch" and not buy a hare in a bag.

You can read more about what this lesson should look like in a blog that will follow shortly.